Celebration of World Autism Awareness Day in Slovakia, 2 April 2011

Bratislava castle is lit up in blue in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day. Photo: WHO/Jana Potuckova

The Society for Helping People with Autism Slovakia (SPOSA) in partnership with the WHO Country Office in Slovakia, the First Lady, the Mayor of Bratislava and the Old City Mayor organized an open public event on the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, entitled “Open the Door to the Autism World”.

In her address to participants, Dr Darina Sedláková, Head of the WHO Country Office stated that WHO has been sponsoring the day since its introduction to bring the world’s attention to autism, a pervasive disorder that affects one in 150 newborns. She stressed the need to raise awareness throughout society and to encourage early diagnosis and early intervention to tackle avoidable, consequent developmental challenges.

How people with autism perceive the external world was demonstrated by “waterballs”, which the visitors could try. These decorative products made by autists with unique talents and skills were used to fundraise further work of the SPOSA Society.

Bratislava joined Autism Speaks: Global Light It Up Blue campaign and turned the lights of the Bratislava castle and Primate´s Palace blue in celebration of the Day.