20th anniversary of WHO Documentation Centre in Slovakia

For 20 years, the Slovak Medical Library has been hosting the World Health Organization Documentation Centre. On the occasion of this anniversary, an exhibition of WHO publications took place in June 2011.  A seminar on current WHO work and priorities was held for health workers and library visitors in the representative premises of the library with the participation of the Director of the Library, the Director of the National Health Information Centre and the Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty in Bratislava.

Dr Darina Sedlakova, Head, WHO Country Office, Slovakia, thanked the library management for their continuous dissemination of information about WHO publications in Slovakia. She presented some highlights of the WHO Regional Office for Europe including Health2020, new public health strategy and the World Health Day focus on antibiotic resistance.

WHO Documentation Centres support the activity of WHO by promoting distribution of the documentation produced by the offices of WHO headquarters, WHO/Europe and also by other WHO Regional Offices. The Centres provide the following services:

  • gather and file documentation,
  • retrieve bibliographic references,
  • offer a reading service,
  • manage a local and remote reference service,
  • supply users with original documents.

More information can be found on the WHO/Europe web site for documentation centres.