World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in Slovenia

Unintentional injuries are the second leading cause of loss of healthy life years in Slovenia due to premature death or disability, with traffic accidents and falls topping as the most common causes.

The third Sunday of November each year is designated as the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. This year on 20 November, Slovenia promoted greater road safety.

A press conference was conducted by journalist and penologist Dr Damjana Žišt, with participation of Dr Marijan Ivanuša (Head of WHO Country Office in Slovenia), Ivan Kapun (Head of Traffic Police Sector at the General Police Directorate), Andrej Fink (Head of the ambulance stations at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana), Boštjan Žagar (Representative Firefighters Association of Slovenia) and Robert Štaba (Chairman of Zavod Varna Pot).

Dr Marijan Ivanuša presented selected data from the working report on Health Inequities in Slovenia, which pointed out an increased mortality of men due to road traffic accidents in municipalities with the lowest personal income tax base.

Participants urged the public to attend events commemorating the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, which will take place in many parts of Slovenia.