Study visit to Croatia and Slovenia for a group of high-level public health workers from Kazakhstan


The delegation from Kazakhstan with Dr Ivan Eržan, Director of the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia, and Dr Tit Albrecht, the coordinator of the study tour in Slovenia.

Six participants from national and regional public health services in Kazakhstan took part in a series of meetings on 10–14 July 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Zagreb, Croatia. All are working on reforms related to Kazakhstan’s development of integrated public health services.

In 2016, the Kazakh Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the WHO Country Office in Kazakhstan and under the guidance of WHO/Europe’s public health services programme, initiated the country’s self-assessment of essential public health operations. It also began the development of a concept and roadmap for establishing integrated public health services in Kazakhstan, aligned with Health 2020 and the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services.

The study visit to the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health and the Croatian National Institute of Public Health was part of this ongoing reform process. There, the delegation from Kazakhstan learned from the countries’ experience of public health development, and gained critical knowledge for moving towards a model of integrated public health services.

Meetings included presentations on 2 public health development models. The agenda also featured a historical overview of public health development in Slovenia and Croatia, a look at the countries’ organigrams of public health services, and presentations on the role and structure of public health laboratories, prevention programmes and other programmes that Kazakhstan expects to incorporate into its new integrated public health services model.

WHO/Europe organized the study visit in collaboration with the WHO Country Office in Kazakhstan, and with support from the WHO country offices in Croatia and Slovenia.