Integrated, person-centred primary health care produces results: case study from Slovenia (2020)



2020, xx + 106 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5528 4
This publication is only available online.

The WHO European Region has made great progress in establishing primary health care as the cornerstone of health systems and a cost-effective way towards universal health coverage, but many countries still have a long way to go. Slovenia is a notable exception.

This report analyses the performance of Slovenia’s primary health care system and the factors that have contributed to its impressive progress towards universal health coverage. Explicit national health policies to address inequalities in access to primary health care and the successful integration of public health into primary health care have been keys to its success. Despite its accomplishments, Slovenia’s primary health care system is showing signs of strain.

Analysing the root causes of the main health system challenges, the report argues that the long-term sustainability of Slovenia’s achievements is at risk unless policy-makers address four key areas in need of urgent attention. The report offers pragmatic and actionable options for tackling them. Both Slovenia’s achievements and its challenges provide useful lessons for other countries wishing to improve the performance of their primary health care system and accelerate progress towards universal health coverage.