Member States to reflect on 10 years of progress in public health and set health priorities for Europe at RC69


On 16–19 September 2019, health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region, along with partner organizations and civil society, will gather for the 69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC69).

RC69, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, will provide delegates with an opportunity to reflect on public health achievements, and how the European policy framework Health 2020 has driven progress across the Region during Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab’s tenure as WHO Regional Director for Europe.

Priority health topics including health equity, health literacy and accelerating primary health care through organizational and technological innovation are also on the agenda. In addition, this year’s session will include the election of the new WHO Regional Director for Europe.

Learning from Health 2020

During RC69, participants will review the progress made and lessons learned through the implementation of Health 2020 since 2012. This policy framework was a central tenet of Dr Jakab’s vision for achieving health and well-being for all across the Region.

Health 2020 has served as a guide for European countries with an emphasis on improving leadership and participatory governance for health and reducing health inequities. It has placed the Region in a strong position to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work, helping countries to transition smoothly as these new global plans for action have been adopted.

Reporting back and making collective commitments

RC69 will also offer the opportunity for WHO/Europe to report back to Member States on key events, such as the High-level Conference on Health Equity and the launch of the Health Equity Status Report.

Additional topics will include:

  • the work of the geographically dispersed offices in the Region;
  • WHO transformation and its implications for the Region; and
  • the implementation of key action plans for the Region.

Side meetings and technical briefings will provide a venue to discuss health diplomacy and migration, children’s and adolescents’ health, resources to support implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the digitalization of health systems, WHO collaboration centres, human resources for health and more.

The decisions taken and policies adopted at RC69 will serve as collective commitments for countries of the Region, ensuring cohesive and coordinated approaches to the most pressing health issues facing Europe. They will also determine WHO Europe’s work plan and priorities for the coming year.

To raise awareness and advocate for safer health care, the first-ever World Patient Safety Day will also be observed on 17 September, as mandated through a resolution at the Seventy-second World Health Assembly in May 2019.

To follow RC69, watch the live webcast on 16–19 September or join the conversation and follow real-time coverage on Twitter using the hashtag #RC69CPH.

Election of new Regional Director

The new WHO Regional Director for Europe will be elected through a secret ballot at a private meeting during RC69. The Regional Director-elect will be selected from a list of candidates proposed by Member States of the Region. He or she will serve a 5-year term, with the possibility of a second term. Further information on the nomination process and a list of candidates is available via the links below.