Moving towards an ambulatory TB treatment and care model in Turkmenistan


WHO/Europe technical assistance mission to Turkmenistan to improve integration of TB treatment and care in the overall health care system, May 2013

On 2-3 May 2013, a workshop organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - WHO Partnership for Tuberculosis (TB) Control Project in Turkmenistan focused on moving more effectively towards ambulatory treatment and care of TB.

Participants consisted of 33 TB specialists from various departments of the Ministry of Health and medical industry of Turkmenistan, the Center for Disease Control, the Turkmen State Medical University, and TB control services of the provincial health departments. They discussed and shared possible ways of moving further towards  more ambulatory treatment and care-based models of care.

International TB experts shared experiences on ambulatory treatment and care in other countries and facilitated discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of TB hospitalization and outpatient care. The workshop consisted of interactive group work sessions featuring participants’ assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at different organizational levels regarding TB shifting further towards ambulatory based TB treatment and care.

Workshop results

Following the workshop, a steering group will be formed to:

  • guide the further process of developing practical organizational plans for different levels (local, district, provincial and central);
  • finalize the review of TB hospital admission criteria;
  • complete the review of criteria for ambulatory treatment and care.