Making pregnancy safer: assessment of the safety and quality of hospital care for mothers and newborn babies in Turkmenistan



As part of WHO implementation of the Making Pregnancy Safer programme an assessment of quality of hospital care for mothers and newborns was carried out in three hospitals in Turkmenistan, following a request by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. This activity was organized by WHO Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with UNFPA and USAID, using a new tool for assessment of quality of care for mothers and newborns in hospitals developed by WHO. The aim was to provide a realistic overview of perinatal health care in a homogeneous and valid way, identifying key areas of pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care that need improvement and suggesting priority actions. The assessment’s recommendations provide technical guidance to the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry in its commitment to mprove mother and child health care and outcomes, in line with the health system reform.