Fact sheet on tobacco and electronic cigarette use in Ukraine 2019 (2020)




The WHO STEPwise approach to noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factor surveillance is designed to help countries build and strengthen their surveillance capacity. The STEPS approach focuses on obtaining core data on the established risk factors that determine the major disease burden. It is sufficiently flexible to allow each country to expand on the core variables and risk factors, and to incorporate optional modules related to local or regional interests.

The STEPS survey of NCD risk factors in Ukraine was organized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and WHO within the scope of “Serving People, Improving Health”, a joint project of the World Bank and Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The STEPS survey in Ukraine makes an important and relevant contribution to the European Programme of Work, as it measures the prevalence of NCD risk factors, as well as the coverage and effectiveness of selected priority interventions.

Conducted in Ukraine for the first time, the survey also provides data on behavioural and biological risk factors for NCDs across the country, needed to evaluate progress, set priorities, and plan policies, interventions and actions to protect Ukrainian people’s health and reduce the rate of mortality due to NCDs in coming years.