Towards a healthier Ukraine: progress on the health-related Sustainable Development Goals 2020




This report summarizes information collected to date on the efforts undertaken by the Government of Ukraine to advance the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) as well as health-related targets in other SDGs.

The report outlines the methodology of data collection and analysis and sets the scene regarding Ukraine’s sociopolitical context, its health system and its status regarding achievement of the SDGs. Each target and indicator within SDG 3 is analysed to identify trends in progress towards achievement. The analysis extends to the health-related targets in other SDGs and reviews relevant indicators included in the Global Action Plan for Health and Well-being.

A set of nine recommendations based on the analysis are grouped into three categories: engaging in focused alignment of all sector stakeholders with priority actions; cultivating an enabling environment for SDG attainment; and prioritizing foundational health system improvements.