Report of the First meeting of the Burden of Disease (BoD) Manual Working Group of the European Burden of Disease Network



22 August 2017, Oslo, Norway

The first meeting of the European Burden of Disease Network (EBoDN)’s Burden of Disease (BoD) Manual Working Group was convened by the WHO Regional Office for Europe jointly with the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and co-hosted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health on 22 August 2017 in Oslo, Norway. The working group was formed by the EBoDN to finalize work on the BoD manual.
The goal of the BoD manual is to describe the staff and methods necessary to perform a valid BoD study that produces internationally comparable results, while acknowledging that different countries have different needs and that data availability differs widely.
IHME was given the task of revising the current version of the BoD manual in accordance with suggestions made by the working group, with the aim of having it completed by late 2018.