Professor John-Arne Røttingen (Norway)

Professor John-Arne Røttingen graduated in 1996 with a degree in medicine from the University of Oslo where he subsequently gained a doctorate in cellular physiology and signaling in 1999. He later gained a master in infectious disease epidemiology from the University of Oxford. After leaving the role of Director General of the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services in 2011, he worked for two years at Harvard University before taking up his current position as Director of the Division of Infectious Disease Control at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. He is also Professor of Health Policy at the University of Oslo, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Global Health and Population of the Harvard School of Public Health, a Research Associate at the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, and an Associate Fellow at the Chatham House Centre for Global Health Security. His research interests include health system evaluation and antibiotic resistance.

Professor Røttingen is Chair of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research and a board member of the Division for Society and Health at the Norwegian Research Council. He previously worked as a Consultative Expert for the WHO Working Group on Research and Development.

Professor Røttingen joined the EACHR in 2013.