Professor Tit Albreht (Slovenia)

Professor Albreht is a Senior Health Services and Health Systems Researcher at the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia. He specializes in social medicine and, having completed his doctorate at the University of Amsterdam, he dedicates his research to the exploration of health services – nationally and internationally. He is particularly interested in the performance of health systems, evidence-based health policy, health workforce planning and mobility, and development of more efficient health care, especially in the field of noncommunicable diseases.

Professor Albreht is an associate professor of public health at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, and a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Public Health Association. He acts as a reviewer for several international and national medical and public health journals. Since 2006, he has been actively involved in the development of cancer policies at the European level – during the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council and later as coordinator of Joint Actions on cancer policy at the European Union level, including the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC), Cancer Control (CanCon) and most recently, the Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC).

Professor Albreht has worked in a number of projects for policy support in various countries of south-eastern Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia) and also in Kazakhstan. These consultancies have included: support for the development of public health legislation, cancer control and public health interventions. All of these projects were in support of the policies of the respective ministries of health.