Situation analysis on evidence-informed health policy-making: Poland (2019)



EVIPNet Europe Series, No 2

The Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) Europe is an initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. It aims to increase country capacity in developing health policies informed by the best available research evidence. Poland joined the Network in 2013, while the formal country launch took place in 2015 in Warsaw at a workshop attended by key policy-makers, researchers and other stakeholders.

This situation analysis (SA) on evidence-informed policy-making (EIP) aims to increase understanding about the interactions between a country's research and policy-making communities to determine where and how best to establish a knowledge translation platform (KTP). The methods used to develop the SA for Poland were guided by the EVIPNet Europe Situation analysis manual and included a literature review, key informant interviews and survey data analysis. The draft version of the SA report was presented during a high-level stakeholder meeting in February 2019 in Warsaw and the feedback used to revise and finalize the SA.