Bone and Joint Decade (BJD), United Kingdom

HEN technical member since 2003

BJD is a multidisciplinary, global campaign, establishing priorities and providing information and support to national and international organizations representing patients with musculoskeletal disorders and health care professionals.

It is supported by over 1000 national and international professional, scientific and patient organizations; 96 countries have established BJD national coordinators and 62 national governments have endorsed BJD. BJD national action networks in 61 countries are creating their own national goals and agendas, with participants from various professionals’ and patients’ musculoskeletal organizations.

BJD’s mission is to raise awareness, identify needs, empower patients, promote cost-effective prevention and treatment, and advance understanding through research and education.

Information available

The web site provides information about musculoskeletal health, activities and participating countries, news, an information letter, published articles and links to the supporting organizations.

Access to information

Access is free of charge and no password is required.


National decision-makers, policy-makers, professionals and the public

Language used on this web site



BJD Executive Secreteriat
Bone and Joint Research Office
The Knowledge Spa
Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1872 256438