Central and Eastern European Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care (CEESTAHC), Poland

HEN technical member since 2006

CEESTAHC was established in Poland in 2003 to develop standards and methods of health technology assessment in central and eastern Europe. The Society organizes training courses on evidence-based medicine and health technology assessment, and provides consultancy and technical support to all parties interested in these subjects.

Information available

The web site contains the Society’s publications, information about the Society’s programmes and training courses, and links to other national and international resources in evidence-based medicine and health technology assessment.

Access to information

Access is free of charge and no password is required.


National decision-makers, policy-makers and professionals

Languages used on this web site

Polish and English


ul. Starowislna 17/3
31-038 Kraków
Tel.: +48 12 357 76 34
Fax:    +48 12 396 38 39
E-mail: office@ceestahc.org