Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment Research Centre (HunHTA), Hungary

HEN technical member since 2003

HunHTA is part of the Department of Public Policy and Management at Corvinus University Budapest.

HunHTA is committed to teaching and researching in health care, to improve the health care delivery system in Hungary and other central and eastern European countries. It provides consultancy services to health care professionals and runs courses for undergraduate students in health policy and financing, health economics, health technology assessment and quality improvement in health care.

The Centre is a member of the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA).

Information available

The web site provides access to publications, research reports, information about teaching courses offered and links to similar international organizations.

Access to information

Access is free and no password is required.


National decision-makers, policy-makers, professionals and the public

Languages used on this web site

Hungarian and English


Fõvám tér 8
Room 265
Budapest 1093
Tel.: +36 1 482 5147
Web site: