Health Protection Network (HPN), United Kingdom

HEN technical member since 2006

HPN is a multidisciplinary network of professional networks working in health protection across Scotland. Its primary aim is to improve the ability of health protection services in Scotland to protect the public from being exposed to hazards that damage their health and to limit any impact on health when such exposures cannot be avoided.

HPN supports the development of good practice in the prevention and control of both infections and environmental hazards in Scotland, by collating and disseminating evidence of best practice, setting standards related to the evidence and supporting peer audit to these standards, and supporting continuous professional development in health protection.

Information available

The web site contains HPN’s publications, information about its programmes and projects, and links to other similar national and international organizations.

Access to information

Access is free and no password is required.


National decision-makers, policy-makers and professionals

Language used on this web site



Health Protection Network
Health Protection Scotland
NHS National Services Scotland
Meridian Court
5 Cadogan Street
Glasgow G2 6QE
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 141 1207 1609
Fax: +44 141 300 1170