Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Netherlands

HEN technical member since 2003

ZonMw is a national organization that promotes quality and innovation in the field of health research and health care. It contributes to the initiation and implementation of the policy cycle and is responsible for distributing a proportion of the resources available for health research and development. Much of ZonMw’s work involves the design, execution and evaluation of national programmes.

Information available

The web site provides access to ZonMw’s programmes for prevention, cure and care, listed alphabetically.

Access to information

Access is free of charge and no password is required.


National decision-makers, policy-makers, professionals and the public

Languages used on this web site

English and Dutch


P.O. Box 93 245
2509 AE The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 349 51 11
Fax: +31 (0)70 349 51 00
Web site: