EVIPNet Europe Capacity-building workshop: preparing evidence briefs for policy with a focus on using systematic reviews (2015)




Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, 10–13 March 2015

EVIPNet Europe was launched in 2012 and initiated a pilot phase in three countries (the Republic of Moldova, Slovenia and Tajikistan) to test the feasibility of the EVIPNet methodology. One of the key pilot activities was the development of EBPs, which synthesize the best available research evidence to answer a specific policy problem in a concise way, are written in non-expert language and are adapted to various stakeholders. EBPs are based on a systematic search and appraisal of the global, regional and local evidence to understand what is known about that policy issue and which policy options effectively address the issue. EBPs are the key inputs to a deliberative dialogue (policy dialogue) to effectively blend explicit (scientific) and tacit (experience-based) knowledge to guide policy development.

Promoting an environment favourable to the systematic and transparent use of evidence in policy-making requires continuity and human resources in health able to find and use research evidence to inform work related to prioritizing problems, and for developing and implementing policies and programmes. As one step forward, EVIPNet Europe organized a skill-building workshop on the development of EBPs for two of its pilot countries, the Republic of Moldova and Slovenia.