EVIPNet Europe Stakeholder consultation meeting (2015)




Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, 17–18 June 2014

EVIPNet Europe was launched in 2012 and initiated a pilot phase in three countries (MDA, Slovenia and Tajikistan) to test the feasibility of the EVIPNet methodology. The pilot activities begin with a situation analysis (SA), which aims to increase understanding about interactions among a country's research and policy-making communities to determine where and how best to establish the national country team. The SA findings will help to identify:

  • how the key characteristics of the country might influence the development and institutionalization of a country team ;
  • the functions of the national health research and policy-making systems that could influence evidence-informed policy-making (EIP) at a national level;
  • governance structure and processes of health systems research and opportunities to promote EIP; and
  • opportunities for collaboration with key actors in strengthening research–policy interactions.