Report of the EVIPNet Europe Steering Group meeting



28 January 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania

The EVIPNet Europe SG was established in July 2014. Eight individuals with extensive,
internationally recognized experience in knowledge translation (KT) and evidence-informed
policy-making (EIP) were selected to provide strategic advice as well as technical support to the
WHO Secretariat of EVIPNet Europe. The SG has a consultative relationship with the European
Advisory Committee on Health Research (EACHR).

On 28 January 2015, the SG had its first face-to-face meeting to follow up, coordinate and
support the network's activities. The meeting was followed by a technical expert meeting on 29–
30 January 2015.

Key outputs: 

  • amendments to the strategic plan, the operational plan and the SG terms of reference
  • recommendations on the functioning and the composition/membership of the virtual
  • amendments to the manual for situation analysis (SA); 
  • creation of synergetic effects between EVIPNet Europe and stakeholders; 
  • overview on key KT and public health/health system events to attend, by whom and
    what to present; and 
  • overview of key technical, communication and financial stakeholders, with
    recommendations for engagement strategies. 

The key short-term outcomes of the SG meeting included increased cohesion and knowledge
on EVIPNet Europe, including its mandate, tools and methodologies. The long-term expected
outcome of the SG group is for members to act as ambassadors for EVIPNet Europe and to
support the work of the network and its members.