EVIPNet Europe annual report 2016 (2017)
This report provides an overview of the activities of the Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) Europe during 2016. The network was launched in Serbia and Turkmenistan, increasing the amount of member countries to 19. Slovenia completed a situation analysis and published its results in international peer-reviewed journals. Further situation analyses are ongoing in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Slovakia. The first evidence brief for policy, developed by Estonia, has been published, and Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Poland, the Republic of Moldova and Slovenia are currently in the process of developing such policy-relevant evidence syntheses. A collaboration with Cochrane was established to train Cochrane contributors to deliver training for EVIPNet Europe. Two checklists were published to complement EVIPNet Europe’s set of tools, one on communication and advocacy and one on policy dialogue preparation and facilitation. Key activities in 2017 will include the further development and evaluation of EVIPNet Europe’s regional and country-specific activities.