EVIPNet Europe annual report 2017 (2018)



This report provides an overview of the activities of the Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) Europe during 2017. Achievements include three policy dialogues; situation analyses, with seven currently being conducted and one published; evidence briefs for policy, with three finalized and six under development; and stakeholder meetings. A cohort of countries working on similar subject matters has been established, allowing for greater peer support and exchange of experiences.

Capacity-building activities include the annual multicountry meeting, which included representatives of the Wellcome Trust and Cochrane, and 11 Network-wide training events. EVIPNet Europe’s virtual forum on Yammer now has 134 members. Two new EVIPNet Europe publications support countries in implementing and institutionalizing evidence-informed policy-making. The academic profile has been increased with the publication of a peerreviewed journal article (with three more in preparation) and with a presence at the European Public Health Conference and the Third Symposium on Antibiotics in Primary Care. Planned activities for 2018 include development and evaluation of regional and country-specific activities and establishing the Network’s new strategy for 2018–2022.