Annual report 2018 EVIPNet Europe: Towards a world in which the best available research evidence informs policy-making (2019)



This report provides an overview of the achievements of the Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) Europe in 2018. These included completed evidence briefs for policy, situation analyses, and multiple country-specific workshops and other activities raising awareness of EVIPNet Europe’s aims. A second cohort of countries working on evidence briefs for policy for antimicrobial resistance was established. This cohort will promote continued peer support and learning from the experience of each other, as well as that of the first cohort. Capacity-building activities included the flagship Advanced Course on Health Information and Evidence informed Policy-making, aimed at strengthening countries’ capacity to collect, analyze, report on and use evidence for policy-making. EVIPNet Europe’s academic profile continued to grow with publication of three peer reviewed journal articles in 2018 and presentations at the European Public Health Conference and European Implementation Collaborative Conference. EVIPNet also continued its successful collaborations with the McMaster Health Forum, Cochrane, and the Wellcome Trust. Goals for 2019 include publishing the evaluation of EVIPNet Europe, developing and piloting a tool for evaluating the EBP process, and re-establishing a fully functional and staffed WHO EVIPNet Europe Secretariat.