Update of WHO/Europe statistical databases


The European Health for All database (HFA-DB) was updated in January 2012. With over 600 indicators, HFA-DB provides fast and easy access, in graphical and tabular form, to a wide range of basic health statistics on the 53 countries in the WHO European Region. This release incorporates replies from 48 countries to the annual HFA data request, as well as additional 30 country/years of mortality data.

The European mortality database (MDB) was also updated in January. Using the same user-friendly system as the HFA-DB, the MDB allows more in-depth analysis of cause-specific death rates. It also provides subnational mortality data for 12 countries. The January update added new data on causes of death at the national level for 30 country/years, and at the subnational level for 6 country/years.