Thirty-year retrospective of Catalan health planning (2020)



After 30 years of health system planning, the Department of Health in Catalonia, Spain, jointly with WHO has embarked on an evaluation of the evolution, results and impact of the health planning process and health plans. The results of assessment will inform the next planning cycles for greater impact on health outcomes aligned to the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) era.

The health plans constitute a valued institution in the Catalan health system. The health planning process in Catalonia has been carried forward with remarkable consistency over a thirty-year period while adjusting to the changing needs over time. Clear leadership, well-assigned institutional roles and relationships, inclusive and open dialogue, and consistent application of a full policy cycle have contributed to a large extent to the success of the Catalan health plans. In order to evolve to meet new challenges in the SDG era, the report makes 15 recommendations to strengthen the health planning process.