Conducting Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA)

DSP supports Member States to foster understanding and transparency on the performance of health system, through the conduction of HSPA. Based on health systems' strategies, HSPA provides an overview of the achievement of high-level goals at the scale of the entire system, i.e. not only for specific programmes or levels of care.

Work includes:

  • supporting the establishment of country-owned participatory processes for HSPA, as a vehicle to create a shared understanding and vision of priorities for health system strengthening and to inform policy with evidence to address current and upcoming challenges (examples include Turkey, Armenia and Georgia, and in the future the south-eastern Europe Health Network);
  • responding for quality assurance and acting as a catalyst to help validate, understand, and communicate the HSPA results and to establish a dialogue around those in the countries;
  • facilitating peer learning and international comparisons through the development of exchange platforms. Subregional (e.g. through the South eastern European Health Network) and thematic networks (e.g. mainstreaming equity); and
  • sharing lessons learnt from countries that underwent HSPA and disseminating recommendations for conducting HSPA, through a series of publications (examples include Portugal and Estonia).

This work on HSPA is very well coordinated with the Division of Information, Evidence and Research and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

The Regional Office is now developing intercountry products and fostering networks among countries to build on the wealth of country experience gathered in recent years (hyperlink to draft for consultation document on networks). For those Member States that have not yet developed a formal HSPA (although many already have HSPA components in place) and have requested support, the Regional Office proposes to group member States for multi-country capacity-building activities and peer learning.