Review of coordination mechanisms for development coordination in Tajikistan



This paper is a summary of various works focusing on development coordination in Tajikistan in the context of the Joint Country Partnership Strategy (JCPS) that were undertaken at the end of 2008 and during the first half of 2009 (1). They include mapping of coordination mechanisms and the collection and reviewing of international experiences of development coordination. This paper brings together the key findings from the different pieces of work and offers observations and recommendations for the consideration of government and development partners in Tajikistan.


(1) Martinez J Options and opportunities for improved development coordination in Tajikistan. (Unpublished) 2009, Improving Aid and Development Coordination in Tajikistan (unpublished) 2009; Skarphedinsdottir M Aminjanov R, Kholmatov M, Kataev F, Severoni S . Mapping development coordination In Tajikistan (unpublished) 2009.