Assessing non-prescription and inappropriate use of antibiotics (2019)



2019, iv + 21 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5408 9
This publication is only available online.

Eighteen countries and areas that are members of the WHO Regional Office for Europe Antimicrobial Medicines Consumption Network undertook a survey to assess the current status of regulatory and national/area-level activities in eastern European and central Asian countries and areas to support the appropriate use of antibiotics. All countries and areas reported an existing legislative framework governing the marketing authorization of antimicrobial agents, their distribution, assessment of the quality of products in circulation, their prescription and dispensing. Respondents reported a wide range of activities in support of appropriate use of antimicrobials that targeted the general public, doctors and pharmacists.

Priority actions for improving the appropriate use of antibiotics identified by respondents were greater enforcement of existing regulations on prescribing and dispensing of antibiotics to ensure prescription-only access, educating health-care professionals about antimicrobial resistance and appropriate use of antibiotics, improving public awareness on rational use of antibiotics, and establishing and implementing standard treatment guidelines for use in clinical practice.