Strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19 Technical guidance #4, 1 May 2020 (produced by WHO/Europe)




Community Pharmacy

This paper is one of a set of technical guidance papers developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to provide practical information and resources for decision-makers on measures to strengthen the health system response to COVID-19.

The purpose of this paper is to support pharmacists and other staff working in community pharmacies with guidance on the issues raised by the COVID-19 outbreak.

During the COVID-19 health crisis, pharmacists are likely to have an enhanced role in supporting health care systems that may be overburdened managing seriously ill patients. Those unwell may first visit a pharmacy to seek professional advice on the management of their symptoms.

This paper does not replace advice provided by national governments or professional pharmacy associations in each country. However, in the absence of specific guidance, pharmacists should consider the following advice.