Nurses and midwives: a vital resource for health

The panel from left to right: Taru Koivisto, Vivienne Bennett, Shoshy Riba, Judith Shamian, Caroline Hager, Galina Perfilieva and Hans Kluge

Strengthening nursing and midwifery to maximize their potential and enable their full contribution to Health 2020 implementation was the focus of a technical briefing on Wednesday 17 September 2014, at the 64th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.  The draft policy framework “European strategic direction for strengthening nursing and midwifery in support of Health 2020 goals” and the “Compendium of good practices in nursing and midwifery” formed the basis for discussions.

Both provide technical guidance to Member States by identifying ways to improve workforce capacity, professional education and working conditions, and to strengthen health care services at the country, regional and institutional levels. The compendium demonstrates examples of value-added nursing and midwifery practices in addressing people’s health needs in the European region and based on 55 case studies from 18 countries.

A panel including representatives of Finland, Israel, the United Kingdom, the International Council of Nurses and the European Commission discussed developments in nursing and midwifery at country level, and WHO collaboration with partners to support further action.

Key conclusions from the panel discussion included:

  • the need to increase the education level of nurses and midwives;
  • to involve nursing and midwifery leadership at all levels in the health sector;
  • to strengthen the professions and to include their perspective in activities to implement Health 2020.

These developments would ultimately strengthen health care services and optimize cost-savings.

The briefing kick-started a Region-wide consultation process with Member States and all relevant key stakeholders on a draft European strategic direction for strengthening nursing and midwifery in support of Health 2020 goals.

The Human Resources for Health Programme wishes to express appreciation to the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations  for the valuable contribution to the technical briefing.