Strengthening nursing capacity: training for nurses from Transnistria

WHO/Igor Vrabie

On 16–17 May 2017, WHO/Europe convened the second training course for nurses from the Transnistrian region, focussing on infection control and emergency preparedness.

The course was conducted for a group of 30 nurses, comprising managerial nursing staff involved in ensuring infection control in health-care facilities and those working in emergency care units. It aimed to improve technical knowledge, skills and critical thinking in the field of emergency nursing care, through evidence-based practice, facilitated group discussions and practical exercises in the simulation centre. Participants were introduced to new and recommended methods of infection control used in health-care settings.

The first half of the course was held in Tiraspol, and the second half in Chisinau in the University Centre for Simulation in Medical Education, where participants were able to practice and consolidate their clinical skills.

During the course, Valery Samoylenko, Executive Director of the Russian Nursing Association and one of the trainers, reminded the nurses, “In an emergency in or outside of the work setting, you have a professional duty to provide effective and timely care. As health professionals, we must ensure that we maintain our skills to be able to deliver this basic level of care, as required”.

Referring to the practical part of the training, Valentina Chekoltan, Head Nurse of the intensive care unit at Camenca Rayon Hospital said, “This is the first time that I am attending such an important course. There is a vital need to organize more training courses on different topics in nursing to strengthen our professional capacity to provide quality and effective care to our patients”.

WHO support for this activity is included in the Biennial Collaborative Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and WHO/Europe. The initiative is funded by the European Union programme “Support to Confidence Building Measures” and coordinated by WHO, under technical assistance and capacity-building activities in the health sector.