Moving on from Munich: a reference guide to the implementation of the Declaration on Nurses and Midwives: A force for health



The Munich Declaration charts the course for governments, health and education authorities and institutions, the nursing and midwifery professions, WHO and other partners to follow. Implementation of the Declaration requires political will, professional commitment and dialogue – internationally, nationally and locally – between all those who have a part to play. Internationally there has to be continued cooperation, especially between Member States, the International Council of Nurses, the International Confederation of Midwives and WHO. Within countries, nurses and midwives and their national associations have to work with policy-makers, administrators and educators at all levels.

The purpose of this guide is:

  • to enable countries to carry out a review of the current position, and help them to assess what kind of further progress is now possible;
  • to identify any changes required inter alia in their legislation, education and training strategies and employment policies;
  • to anticipate any problems that might arise;
  • to envisage the long-term outcome of the implementation process.