Country work


WHO works closely with many Member States through biennial collaborative agreements (BCAs), which are negotiated every two years between WHO/Europe and health ministries. Topical areas in primary care for the coming years include:

  • evaluating the organization and provision of primary care, including aspects of financing, human resources, policy development and service delivery;
  • mapping existing mechanisms to manage and improve the quality of primary care.

In recent years, WHO/Europe has worked on primary care in over 18 Member States.

WHO/Europe has developed two standardized survey-based tools to promote the use of evidence for policy-making in primary care. It cooperated closely with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Primary Care, the Institute of Health Services Research (NIVEL) in the Netherlands. The Primary Care Evaluation Tool assists with the evaluation of the organization and provision of primary care in a country. The Primary Care Quality Management Tool focuses on the assessment of existing approaches to quality management in primary care.