2017 activities (in collaboration with WHO/Europe’s public health services programme)

  • Ongoing: The University of Maastricht (Netherlands) is co-leading a second seminar on women’s leadership for public health in Odessa, Ukraine.
  • September–December 2017: Louisiana State University (United States of America) and Syreon Research Institute is co-leading a project on developing a financial practices assessment tool for financing public health services in Slovenia.
  • September–December 2017: EuroHealthNet, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (the Austrian Public Health Institute) and select partners are co-leading a project on the development of a health promotion guide for managers and policy-makers to support them in setting up a health promotion service.
  • September–December 2017: The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) is leading a project on the development of a roadmap towards the professionalization of the public health workforce.
  • September–December 2017: ASPHER and the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA) are co-leading a project on the development of a handbook for managing credentialing and accreditation services in the European Region.
  • September–December 2017: The University of Maastricht is leading a project on the development of core competencies for public health professionals to enable competency-based recruitment practices.
  • November 2017: WHO/Europe and ASPHER will participate in a plenary session at the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) conference in Stockholm, Sweden, on public health leadership.
  • November 2017: In collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Finland, WHO/Europe will convene the 2nd Coalition of Partners expert meeting under the theme, “How do we collaborate powerfully and accelerate targeted action?”
  • Ongoing: WHO/Europe and the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) are jointly supporting participants from the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan to join the annual European National Public Health Institutes Directors’ Meeting in order to assist them in establishing a national public health institute.
  • Ongoing: ASPHER, the University of Maastricht and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training are joining the WHO/Europe mission to Georgia to undertake a preliminary assessment of the enabler functions in the context of strengthening the country’s public health services.