Building capacity in global health diplomacy


WHO Executive Course on Health Diplomacy in Action

In October 2014, health and diplomatic professionals from the South East European Network (SEEHN) countries gathered in Chisinau, Moldova, for a training in global health diplomacy under the auspices of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Global Health Programme of the Graduate Institute and the SEEHN. The course was implemented with generous support of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation.

The course engaged participants to:

  • Understand their common interests in health and foreign policy;
  • Learn about the role of diplomacy for small states and the SEEHN;
  • Strengthen competency to influence on-going global health negotiations including climate change, tobacco control, the post2015 MDG agenda, and controlling the epidemic of non-communicable diseases;
  • Learn about mechanism and instruments for global health including digital diplomacy; and
  • Enhance negotiation skills for multilateral work.
The three-day executive course also provided a basic introduction to Global Health Diplomacy as well as ample opportunities for multilateral networking. Amongst the conclusion of the Course was that being a small state is not a destiny, and that working together in health diplomacy can be powerful for setting global health direction.