Coalition of Partners Expert Meeting on Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services in Europe - meeting report (2017)




A recent review of the implementation of the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services showed that, despite robust action in Member States, its potential remained largely unrealized. To accelerate progress, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, champion countries and organizations from the international public health community are joining forces to form a Coalition of Partners to develop and implement a joint Agenda for Action focusing on the enabling functions of public health services.

Acting as the secretariat to this initiative, the WHO Regional Office for Europe convened a two-day meeting to start the process of co-creating the contents of the Agenda for Action that the Coalition of Partners would take forward. During the meeting, the participants reached consensus on the agenda’s objectives and the actions required to achieve them, commenced the development of practical project proposals and concrete next steps, and laid the foundation for the further refinement of the Agenda for Action and development of the Coalition.