14th meeting of the SEE Health Network, Durres, 2006



The 14th meeting of the South-eastern Europe Health Network focused on:

  • reviewing the progress of the technical projects since the Thirteenth Meeting of the Health Network in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina in June 2006;
  • agreeing on and signing the decisions concerning component one of the project on improving neonatal and maternal health and component two of the Food Safety and Nutrition Project;
  • discussion of the document Proposal for regional collaboration on mental health in SEE to transform the regional project into long-term regional collaboration;
  • preliminary discussion of a declaration of the national health coordinators on “Strengthening regional capacities for epidemic preparedness and response in support of the implementation of the International Health Regulations”;
  • briefing on the current status of the transformation of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe into a regional cooperation council and discussion of the consequences on the Health Network, including agreement on the urgent next steps to be taken; and
  • presentation and discussion of a “new” area, evaluation of public health services (in accordance with the Skopje Pledge), for which support is available from the Council of Europe Development Bank.