18th & 19th meetings of the SEE Health Network, Chisinau and Brussels, 2008



The purpose of the18th meeting was to discuss the regional ownership transfer and to review the progress of regional projects. The meeting specifically focused on the future of the SEE Health Network (SEEHN) and the development of the permanent SEEHN Secretariat. In line with the decision of the SEE Health Network on the content and format of the regular network meetings, the thematic topic of the 18th meeting was, “Evaluation of Public Health Services in South-eastern Europe”.

The purpose of the 19th meeting was to progress with the future of regional ownership. The meeting in particular addressed:

  • strategic directions for the future actions of the SEEHN;
  • the process of signing the Memorandum of Understanding and the two Ministerial Declarations (Mental Health and Implementation of International Health Regulations);
  • finalization and approval of the Call for Proposals for the location of the Seat of the SEEHN Secretariat;
  • health workforce in SEE.