Framework on Early Childhood Development in the WHO European Region (2020)




Investing in early childhood development (ECD) – investing in the country future

“Early childhood is a critical period for  every child to receive the nutrition and care that enable optimal development. Investing in ECD is one of the best investments a country can make.

The global WHO/UNICEF/World Bank Nurturing Care Framework covers conditions for children to survive and thrive through public policies, programmes and services. This European framework provides an adaptation for the European context and aims to inform countries on measures they can take to enable young children to reach their full potential equally. It highlights three areas for ECD in Europe: young children’s needs, monitoring a child's development and responding to developmental concerns, and the social and environmental risks to development.

The overall goal is for every child to reach their full potential – living in a caring environment, nurtured by parents and caregivers, being visible to policy-makers, and having access to health care and services that support and monitor development for each child and address developmental difficulties.”