Computer tool to improve healthcare delivery

A capacity building workshop on maternal health in Moldova on 20-22 September introduces a computer-based tool to calculate the cost of health care in a specifically defined area.

The “Integrated healthcare technology package” (IHTP) is a resource planning and costing tool that ensures all resources needed for any particular medical intervention are available in an adequate mix specific to local needs and conditions.

The tool will be presented in a workshop in Moldova for National Project Officers from Albania, Armenia, Kosovo, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, as well as staff from the Ministry of Health of Moldova. Introducing the tool at national level in these countries can support actions addressing Millennium Development Goals 4 and 6 (reducing child and maternal mortality).

Data based on national priorities

IHTP gives a clearer understanding of why the resources are needed at each level of healthcare delivery, in what quantities the resources are needed, and how they fit together into an integrated healthcare system. It improves health service delivery because its simulation tool systematically demonstrates to decision-makers which services are necessary and cost-effective given available resources. The data used is anchored in national priorities. Health service delivery can be greatly improved by IHTP’s integration through coordination of services and IHTP can improve the understanding between the planners at the strategic levels (national or regional), and practitioners at the operational level, thus improving health systems across the different levels.