First global conference on contraception, reproductive and sexual health to be held in Copenhagen 22–25 May 2013

The First global conference on contraception, reproductive and sexual health organized by the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC) took place in Copenhagen on 22–25 May 2013.   Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary was the Patroness of the Congress.

There is a big diversity of contraceptive prevalence rates in the WHO European Region, one of the indicators that countries are monitoring in evaluating progress in achieving universal access to reproductive health, Millennium Development Goal 5B. More than ten countries of the Region report modern contraceptive usage less than 50 percent. In some countries this figure is even below 20 percent which is lower than the average for the world’s least developed countries.

The main focus of the First global conference was empowering of women and improvement of all aspects of sexual and reproductive health. The organizers aimed  to open up new avenues of research and focus on diversities between regions, countries and different cultural and social backgrounds. The conference consisted of informative sessions, interactive discussions and symposia that were conducted by opinion leaders sharing the latest discoveries in all aspects of the field. 

As a member of the International Council of the Conference, WHO had a special session and a stand in the exhibition during this event and used this scientific meeting to inform participants about the work that WHO carried out in assisting countries in  improving sexual and reproductive health throughout the life course.