
During  2013 and through half of  2014, Tajikistan fully implemented the activities within the first year of the long-term institutional development (LID) grant, including the following.

Staff professional development: Over the reporting period, two types of capacity building activities were conducted for staff development including:

  • training on the principles, methods, case studies and design methodologies for operations and implementation research using materials developed internationally, with assistance from WHO. The course was taught on-site at the institute with 13 staff members. The training was conducted by three WHO Consultants from the Luthvenian Institute of Health Science. In addition, technical assistance was provided in preparation for the implementation of the first year LID grant „An assessment of capacity and quality of maternal and neonatal health care at the clinical units of the Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (SRIOGP) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan"  research project;
  • practical, intensive, on-the-job courses on English for Business, with a focus on scientific writing and presentations, public and reproductive health, with the purpose of improving reading and listening comprehension and basic presentation skills, was provided for 30 staff members.

Data processing facilities were equipped to meet the purposes of the LID grant for increasing research capacity.The equipment was purchased and installed in the Institute library, specifically: computers,Wi-Fi, web camera, projector, optical cable and converters.

High-speed internet connection was installed with the purpose of supporting general operations at the institute and to strengthen the scientific capacity through uninterrupted work via the WHO web library and the library at the Research institute, and to conduct international communications with all partners.

Funding was released in 2014 and as per the new research project timeline, data collection is currently in progress in clinical facilities at  the Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (SRIOGP), which will be followed by data analysis and elaboration of the report in early 2015.