Strengthening the network of the WHO Collaborating Centres

There are many WHO collaborating centres in the WHO European Region. 14 of them are working in the area of reproductive health. Many of these are directly linked to the research projects led by the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction in WHO headquarters in Geneva, and several centres are actively involved in implementation of projects carried out by the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

During the annual video conference on 29 April 2011, information on the plans of the Reproductive Health and Research programme globally and regionally, and possibilities of involvement of the WHO Collaborating Centres in their implementation were discussed. Many centres expressed their readiness to contribute to the development of the European review of Social Determinants of Health and the European Health Strategy Health 2020.

Further ways of strengthening the network of the WHO Collaborating Centres in sexual and reproductive health in the WHO European Region were discussed as well as organizing bilateral and multilateral meetings and sessions in scientific congresses to ensure joint actions and support in promoting research results, WHO policies and guidelines.