New European Action Plan


The WHO European regional strategy on sexual and reproductive health, developed in 2001, has been used by many countries in the Region to develop their national policy documents. Although progress has been made over the past 15 years, challenges still remain,  reaffirming the continuing need for attention to sexual and reproductive health and rights. Inequalities between and within countries persist – for example the maternal mortality rate is 40 times higher in some countries in the Region than in the others. 

New evidence and recently approved global and regional strategic documents highlight the need to revise sexual and reproductive health policies in the WHO European Region. By adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, Member States have confirmed their commitment to the area of sexual and reproductive health and human rights.

Technical briefings during 64th and 65th sessions of  the WHO Regional Committee for Europe triggered the process of  development of a new European action plan for sexual and reproductive health and rights. 

The action plan will reflect the objectives of the European policy framework for health and well-being, Health 2020, and related strategic documents, and will be submitted for adoption at the 66th session of the Regional Committee. 

The Regional Office for Europe will lead the development of the action plan through an extensive review of existing available evidence and stakeholder consultations. These consultations will use a combination of face-to-face and online mechanisms, and will include experts, national counterparts, partners and civil society.