WHO/Europe, the Regional Advisory Panel on Research and Training in Reproductive Health in the European Region

Health 2020 is the European health policy framework and it proposes priority areas for policy action based on global priorities set for WHO by its Member States, and aligned to address the special requirements and experiences of the European Union.

One of the key priorities is investing in health through a life-course approach,which leads to increased healthy life expectancy as well as enhanced well-being. Children with a good start in life learn better and have more productive lives. Adults with control over their lives and life choices have a greater capacity for economic and social participation and for living healthier lives. 

Healthy and active ageing, which starts at birth, is a policy priority as well as a major research priority.

WHO/Europe aims:

  • to increase knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights, including family planning, pregnancy and gender mainstreaming;
  • to create standards for maternal and perinatal health;
  • to promote the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of vulnerable groups such as adolescents,migrants and ethnic minorities and the role of social determinants of SRH;
  • to prevent unintended pregnancies and reduce unsafe abortion in the European Region;
  • to improve sexual health in terms of sexuality education, prevention of sexual violence and female genital mutilation (FGM);
  • to prevent HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • to prevent cervical cancer and other gynaecological diseases; and
  • to assist countries to carry out research and gather new evidence on effective interventions.

WHO/Europe publishes Entre Nous, the European magazine for sexual and reproductive health, three times a year.

The Regional Advisory Panel on Reproductive Health and Research monitors progress and advises WHO/Europe on new priorities.