Subregional influenza surveillance meeting covers wide range of topics


From 11-14 September 2012 in Riga, Latvia, the WHO Regional Office for Europe held a subregional meeting on influenza surveillance. The meeting attracted over 70 epidemiologists, virologists and clinicians involved in influenza surveillance from 10 newly independent states (NIS) and hosting country Latvia, as well as experts from Spain, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, WHO headquarters and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The first three days of the meeting covered a wide range of topics in influenza virology and epidemiology, including a review of past activities and current preparations for the upcoming influenza season, studies on the burden of influenza, and country presentations on national influenza surveillance systems. Clinicians from five countries participating in sentinel SARI surveillance presented case studies of severe influenza cases.

Several research projects on RSV, risk factors for severe disease and death among SARI patients, climate and influenza transmission, and estimating the burden of influenza were presented by experts from the United Kingdom, Spain, and Denmark, followed by an invitation for countries to take part in ongoing research.

Training on designing a national weekly influenza surveillance bulletin was held during the final day of the meeting, including group work on the development of influenza surveillance bulletins that address the needs of different target groups.

A full report of the meeting will be made available soon.