Guide to revision of national pandemic influenza preparedness plans (2017)




An evaluation performed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Pandemic Influenza and Research, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, showed that pandemic preparedness activities undertaken prior to the 2009 pandemic were useful in the response to the pandemic, and guidance from WHO and ECDC was critical in the preparedness phase.

This guide is intended for use by those involved in pandemic preparedness planning, generic preparedness and implementation of IHR core capacities in European countries. The document describes good practice for pandemic preparedness planning based on lessons learned from the 2009 pandemic. It can be used to identify gaps in pandemic preparedness, improve plans, and advocate for and prioritise resources to close those gaps. It can be used to guide requests for support to ECDC, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, or other agencies and donors.