Strategic Response Plan for the measles emergency in the WHO European Region (September 2019–December 2020)




This Strategic Response Plan for the measles emergency in the WHO European Region (SRP) articulates the overall status of measles resurgence in the WHO European Region and the priority actions needed to ensure an effective response to interrupt transmission, save lives and reverse the regional trend in case numbers. It covers September 2019 to December 2020, and the SRP will be reviewed and, if necessary, updated during this period. The SRP has been developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and includes the contributions from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The SRP complements but does not replace the need for emergency response planning at the country level, led through ministries of health and engaging all partners country by country.

The SRP is divided into two parts: (I) a strategic response framework outlining the context, risk assessment and response needs; and (II) an operations plan that outlines key interventions prioritized for countries and costed based on the current situation. In addition to UNICEF, a range of partners will be involved in implementation in line with their recognized mandates in WHO Member States. Relevant partners include: the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), the GAVI Alliance, bilateral development agencies, United Nations agencies, academic institutions, WHO collaborating centres, professional associations, nongovernmental organizations and civil society.